Publishing the open call for the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization (NMEC) Business plan.

Publishing the open call for the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization (NMEC) Business plan.

​​​​​An open invitation to submit an offer to develop a business plan for the NMEC as well as preparing all the technical and legal specification for an invitation to bids in order to assign a specialized third party for managing and operating the Reception Building and Open-air area, which will be used as the Culture, Entertainment and Commercial Centre of the Museum. For  solicitation document 

For The UNESCO​ proposal please click here​

For more info.about the oppurtinities of NMEC Please Click here​

<p>​<br/><a href="/English/NewsAndEvents/News/PublishingImages/Pages/RFP-NMEC_business_plan_Form/RFP-NMEC_business%20plan.pdf"><img class="ms-asset-icon ms-rtePosition-4" src="/_layouts/15/images/icpdf.png" alt=""/>RFP-NMEC_business plan.pdf</a><br/></p>




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